Professional Expert WordPress Help, Shopify Help and Website Help
20GB SSD Storage, Unaccounted Bandwidth, 100k Visitors Monthly, 1 WordPress Website. Additional resources available please contact us directly.
If you are trying to manage business and website, or sales and product updates by yourself we know how stressful that can become, specially during a busy season. Our retainers are designed just for this type of situation, allow you to take care of the business side of things, while our team will take care of everything technical website related. Keeping it fresh, secured, up to date and provide website help you might need.
Each plan comes with its own features, but that is not to say that we can’t do anything extra or out of the ordinary. We cover coding, implementations, apps, advice, support. All of this comes directly from us being in the industry just shy of 20 years. That’s before WordPress and Shopify was a thing! It’s when Netscape ruled the world still.
A selected plan goes into effect immediately upon registration and sign up, collections of information from you about your website and access to it that we require to properly manage your site. You’ll be able to request tasks, handing help and get advice immediately.
You can speak with us about a custom plan. Many previous clients that allow us to monitor, maintain and help them with their website, spoke with us and designed their own plans.
The steps to cancellation with a previous provider is quite simple. You can reach out to them by email and/or phone, letting them know that you’d like to cancel. We’ll take over from there. If they want to send us any specific notes or heads up notes about your website we would be happy to speak with them.
We monitor everything 24/7, any incidents that happen and we get notified about get resolved within 12 hours or less. Up to now, everything is happening quick when it comes to resolution because of our global team, no matter what time it is. We do our best, but our business hours are from 9am till 5pm eastern standard time. It’s our prime time we shine within.